Welcome to Lubbad Production’s Wedding Videography Services
At Lubbad Production, we understand the importance of capturing every precious moment of your wedding day. Our wedding cinematic film service is designed to preserve the memories of your special day in a way that photos simply can’t match.
Our team of professional videographers is dedicated to capturing all the emotion, romance, and joy of your wedding day in stunning high-definition video. From the preparations in the morning to the ceremony and reception, we’ll be there every step of the way, documenting every precious moment.
We believe that your wedding film should be a reflection of your personal style and the atmosphere of your wedding. That’s why we work closely with you to create a unique film that truly captures the essence of your special day. Our videographers are skilled in using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure that your wedding film is of the highest quality.
Once we have captured all the footage, our talented editors will carefully craft and edit the footage to create a seamless and beautiful film that you’ll treasure for years to come. We understand that every couple’s needs are different, so we offer a variety of packages to suit your budget and preferences.
Our Wedding Videography Packages
We offer a range of wedding videography packages to suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for full-day coverage or just highlights of the ceremony and reception, we have a package that’s right for you.
- Basic Package: Includes coverage of the ceremony and reception, edited highlights video, and digital delivery.
- Standard Package: Includes coverage of the preparations, ceremony, reception, edited highlights video, and digital delivery.
- Premium Package: Includes coverage of the preparations, ceremony, reception, bridal party interviews, edited highlights video, full-length wedding film, and digital delivery.
Our packages can also be customized to include additional services such as drone footage, multiple camera operators, and more. We are committed to providing you with a wedding film that exceeds your expectations.
Contact Us Today
If you’re ready to discuss your wedding videography needs, we invite you to contact us today. Our friendly team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you create a lasting memory of your special day.